Hey there! Is this your first sewing project?

If so, congratulations on your choice! Making a scrunchie is, in my opinion, the perfect project for beginners in sewing. Personally, I've been sewing for over twenty years, and I still enjoy making them just as much. They're quick to make and, once finished, they're a cute accessory that can be given as a gift or worn with satisfaction.

the process. So, you know those old jeans you were thinking of donating? Well, keep them because we're going to transform them into adorable scrunchies...



  • Denim scraps, shouldn't be too thick; 100% cotton or stretch denim is not a problem.
  • This Kinsu pattern:)
  • Du ruban élastique 0.5cm (1/8 »)
  • Seam ripper
  • Paper scissor for the pattern
  • X-Acto or sewing scissors
  • For machine sewing, you can use all-purpose polyester or cotton thread. However, if you're hand-sewing, I find it more interesting to use thicker thread, tex 60 or 70. I also sometimes use Sashiko embroidery thread, but it's not necessary to have such thick thread.

Si tu couds à la machine à coudre, tu peux utiliser une aiguille 90/14 si tu couds du denim. Si tu couds à la main le denim j’aime beaucoup coudre en utilisant une aiguille à Sashiko.

Tu peux récupérer plein d’autres chose que des jeans pour faire ce projet. Des rideaux, des draps, des t-shirt, des chemisier d’homme etc. Pour créer des variantes de modèles, il peut être intéressant d’intégrer des rubans de toute sortes. Gros grain, ruban sergé etc.


  • You can place the pattern on the bottom of the pant leg as is. By cutting through both layers of fabric, you can make two scrunchies.
  • Tu dois aussi couper un bout d’élastique par chouchou que tu fabriques

The pattern inclue 3 sizes: Small, medium and large scrunchie.

To optimize the use of your jeans, you can also download the Josy bow pattern and add a bow to your scrunchie.


Step 1 : Fold and pin

Fold piece A in half, right sides together, along the length. Align the notches together. Pin the edge to hold the fabric in place.

Step 2 : Sew the sides together

Locate the first notch. Align your needle with the notch and position the edge of your fabric on the guide line to maintain a 1 cm (0.5 inch) seam allowance. Lower the presser foot.

Start sewing at the first notch and sew with a 1 cm seam allowance until you reach the second notch. Make sure to backstitch at the beginning and end of the seam to secure it.

Étape 3 : Tourner à l’endroit

  • Using a safety pin (oops, I forgot to include it in the list of required materials…lol), pin the edge of the fabric as shown in the photo.
  • Turn the pin inward.
  • Push it through the fabric tube.
  • Pull the fabric through to turn the piece right side out.

Étape 4 : Insérer l’élastique

  • Using the same safety pin, pin one end of the elastic.
  • Insert the pin and pull it through the fabric tube, making sure to hold onto the other end of the elastic to prevent it from slipping inside.
  • Remove the pin and tie the first knot in the elastic.
  • Turn the pin inward and push it through the fabric tube. Pull the fabric through to turn the piece right side out.

Step 5 : Sew the ends together

  • Arrange the scrunchies as shown in the photo. Overlap one end over the other, with the fabric right sides together.
  • Pin the two ends together at the center.
  • Sew with a 1 cm seam allowance. Don’t forget to lower your presser foot.
  • When you reach the center, leave your needle in the fabric, lift the presser foot, remove the pin, and reposition the second half of the fabric to complete the seam.
  • Start and finish your seam with a backstitch.

Step 6 : Finishing seam

  • Turn the seam you just made inward.
  • Fold the seam allowance inward.
  • Pin the two sides together.
  • Sew the opening, starting 1 cm before it begins. Align the edge of the scrunchie with the edge of the presser foot.
  • Sew 3 mm (0.25 inch) from the edge.
  • Make a backstitch at the beginning and end of the seam.
  • Retourne la couture de façon à ce qu’elle soit au centre du chouchou. Ainsi, elle sera moins apparente.


Oui sans problème! Eau froide et pas de sécheuse. La chaleur va tuer l’élastique:)


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